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Shams-e-Tabrizi Monument & Cultural Center Competition



Name: Shams-e-Tabrizi Monument & Cultural Center Competition
Location: Golestan Garden,Tabriz, East Azerbijan, Iran
Architecture Firm: Hajizadeh & Associates
Architect: Kourosh Hajizadeh
Date: 2009
Type: Monuments
Award: 1st place in national competition

From a postmodern perspective, city is made of coherent spaces instead of separate components that lead to city life and spatial stream and thisis possible with what historic fabric of the city has inside, like Najaf Gholikhanicastle, Alishah fort, Tabriz bazzar and Golestan garden.Life and the city are connected to each other in a process, which is a pedestrian pathmade of city's old bricks. Shams Tabrizi'sis unknownyet and could be known from Molana's poems and texts. Such approach to design creates a path from city to garden and Shams Tabrizrsmonument inside it is tied to urban stream and urban life and will be symbolized through water, purity and garden in project site.

  • City

Gathering of city old bricks makes a route from ground to sky, in every look and step. So the route begins from the city and after passing the garden it returns to city in a pure area of water: greenness and wind, light and rays of sun between uncongenial branches of trees it reaches the yard from (demanding) platform. And here, interaction between human and space in Shams Tabrizimonument forms step by step.

  • Monument

Shams Tabrizi’s character hasn't been revealed to anyoneyet and could be known from Molanats poems and texts. Their fascination becomes to existence and -reveals in one body. A body forms from love and a route to the sky. Monument inner surfaces make a cage of light that Sama dance beyond light holes in geometry and become weightless. By combination of space with Tabriz light and wind becomes eternal with' garden area. Whistle and bell sound makes an uproar from their fascination, that becomes great in its upper brightness and in a volume of light and creates an arch of five, six and seven of monotheism (five): perplexity (six) and poverty (seven) are some aspects of design that could not being said ,or explained. five and seven (Panj-o-Haft.) arch is a kind of Iranian arch, and also five, six and seven are three steps of seven steps in Iranian mystic.

  • Project specfications
  • Connection of historic fabric of the city and Golestan garden.
  • Designing  brick urban pedestrian path from the city to garden and monument.
  • Revival of Golestan garden based on Iranian garden pattern.
  • Using Tabriz brick for enriching inner space of monument and the pedestrian path.
  • Creating holes in waIIs to Induce sense of Sama dance.
  • Inner space lightening by holes in walls.
  • Producing sound in inner space by Tabriz wind
  • Allegory of Sama dance and tambourine sound in monument space

 "Sama" is compiled in form, volume and spatial diagram. Sound, light and color are other aspects of space. Because of Tabriz state of being windy, sound and sound devices placed in walls are considered in design. So we use wind to develop the quality of space and project atmosphere. On the basis of that, two mechanisms are 'designed: first mechanism is obtained from "zings" in mystic playing of tambourine. Two metal rings and a middle rod are technical elements of this mechanism. Inner rod with less weight starts to spin. Spanning is transferred to second ring by wind power. This mechanism is an allegory for mystic relationship between Shams and Molana that is made by God's favor (wind power) and it welcomes user to experience the space, in an atmosphere that is made by sounds. The second mechanism is a 'pipe element. which could make two sounds of "Sut and "Hu", that we name them:   "Su-Hut".

*Sut: a sound like whistle.
*Hu: a sound that is repeated in mystical ,cerernoniesand in Arabic means God.



Read 33859 times Last modified on Saturday, 19 October 2019 19:42