Nowadays, the controversy between modernity and tradition or, in other words, national identity and global identity, along with the vast amount of information and spatial diversity, has created great confusion for users, employers, and especially architects to choose the type of space. This is more evident in the interior design of spaces. Space may not have an absolute effect on man and his / her behavior, but it facilitates and inhibits it. This is especially important in residential spaces that are places for rest, relaxation, and comfort. For this reason, lines, surfaces, materials, and combinations of space-creating elements must be used in an organized way to achieve this.
In the house reconstruction project, the architect's concern is to resolve the relationship between the above and the employer's demands. Concepts such as simplicity, legibility, and efficiency in traditional Iranian residential houses gave comfort and tranquility to their residents in a specific form. These are considered as design concepts in the interior design of house so that they can give comfort and tranquility to themselves like a shell. The important thing is how these concepts are expressed. The use of smooth and white surfaces that are properly placed in the context and regular and symmetrical textures that play with light and create light and shade in the space, while respecting the solidity of the space, gives it a significant rhythm. The use of heat and wood and plaster textures in the space has made the home space lively and dynamic. Accompaniment of calm and controlled dynamics has made the space as alive as human beings. These characteristics encourage the user of the designed space to stay in it, and this is the missing link in Iranian residential spaces.
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