General Information
Name: Extension to the holy Shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh
Location: Qom, Iran
Architecture firms: Pirraz Consulting + Arg-e-Bam Consulting Engineers (Bam-Citadel of Kerman Consulting Engineers)
Principal designers: Mohsen Mirheydar [→], Yadollah Razaghi, Mahmoudreza Mohajerani, Shahriar Yaghini [→], Jahangir Bagherli
Project Director: Alireza Tabesh (Within client Organization)
Land taking possession plan/ executive manager: Habibollah Payani
Date: 1999 - 2005
Site area: 19000 sqm
Ground floor area: 17000 sqm
Built area: 53937 sqm
Type: Religious
Supervisor of calligraphic decoration: Sadegh Tabrizi
Designer of Persian-Islamic patterns and decoration: Reza Deishidi
Calligraphers: Seyed Mohammad Hosseini Movahed, Nasrollah Afjei
Budget: 47’500’000 USD
Photos: Ahmad Aali
Client: Ministry of housing and urban development,
- Distinguished concrete project ,2005
- Honor Award - President of I.R. Iran, 2005
- Nominated for The Agha khan Award for Architecture, 2007