In 1957, Gio Ponti designed his third villa (after the Venezuelan Villa Planchart and Villa Arreaza) conceived for what Ponti used to call the "joie d'y vivre". Here too the inside and outside architecture, based on the large central room with two floor high and on the through-views, has a theatrical appeal.
1. Website of Hamed Khosravi, about Tehran projects [→]
2. Gio Ponti, 'A Teheran una villa,' Domus 422 (1965), 14-19.
3. Lisa Licitra Ponti, Gio Ponti; The Complete Works 1923-1978 (London: Thames and Hudson, 1990), 208.
4.. Lisa Licitra Ponti and others, Gio Ponti: A World (Milano: Renato Minetto, 2002), 138-141.
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