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Massoud Afsarmanesh

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Massoud Afsarmanesh, was an Iranian architect, he designed a method to describe his design process which he later developed it for his students to enable them make their design through their imaginations and dreams by not ignoring them as being irrational but finding their right place, therefor he became very popular in his latest years when he started to teach architecture at Azad and Sooreh University. His architecture begins from Metaphor belonging to the the field of unknown, and the designer as a medium transfer these metaphors into filed of clear, readable and known concepts. In this process he considered three scale: Large, Medium and small in all the matters.  After he passed away in september 2010, Afsarmanesh Architects is aiming to continue his methods and practices it in their projects.

Qeytarieh Apartment House

AIM competition in China | 1st place



Read 18771 times Last modified on Monday, 27 April 2020 05:20