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Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi

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Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi was born in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province of Iran in 1977. After  completing his schoolwork at Sadi and Taleghani High School (Mathematics and Physics) in Tabriz in 1994, Bahram entered IA University, Faculty of Art and Architecture in Tabriz; which he graduated with Master’s Degree with a major in Architecture Engineering in 2003.

During the following five years, he was working as a lecturer in IA University branches, Soore University and Tehran Institute of Technology and also an architecture journalist/researcher; he is the founder and chief editor of the first Persian architecture and urban news agency “ARUNA” and the first Persian weekly on architecture ٬Naghsh’e Noe٬ and also used to be the editor of the firstarchitectural pages in Iranian newspapers (Hamshahri – Zibashahr, Donyay’e Eghtesad – Sakhtosaz and Mehr Weekly ) and architectural monthly of “Sanate Sakhteman Daris”, etc.

In accordance with architectural practice, Bahram was the founding partner of BHY Architects AB (Stockholm, 2009-2013), project architect in IRIAF (Tehran, 2004-2005; 20 months), project architect in Ray Fan Consulting Engineers (Tehran, 2002-2003), Designer in Pegahe Fanavaran (Tabriz, 1997-2000). Bahram has been involving in writing and editing of seven book (six of them have been published and the one about Design Thinking is under the procedure ) which the last published one is about the “Architectural Design Process in Small Architectural Firms [Persian]”.


He was studying PhD of Architecture (Dr.techn, Doctor of Technology) in “Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) Institut für Architektur und Entwerfen – Abteilung für Hochbau und Entwerfen” under supervision of Prof. William Alsop during 2008-2014 and graduated with the dissertation “Toward a Supporting Tool of Concept Generation in the Early Architectural Design Phase”. He also holds a M.S.P.M. degree (Master of Science in Project Management and Operational Development) from Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH, Stockholm) with the thesis about “Visual modeling framework for Architectural Design Process”.


  • Birth: April 3th 1977, Iran (Tabriz)
  • Languages: Swedish, English, Persian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Arabic
  • Computer skills: CAAD, Illustration, Office, Web development
  • Memberships: Swedish Association of Architects, Swedish Project Management Association, American Institute of Architects, Iranian Architects Society (registered architect) & Iranian Construction Engineers Organization, Prize Committee & Jury of The Berkeley University Essay Prize Competition.



  1. A video clip from an interview with Dr. Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi in Youtube []




Address: Körsbärsväg 4A, LGH 1001, 11423 Stockholm

E-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Linkedin: Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi profile []


Read 17748 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:08