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Kamran Safamanesh

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Kamran Safamanesh is an architect, urban designer, and historian whose work maintains an interest in the theories and histories pertaining to the formation of the built environment. Safamanesh studied at Tehran University, and the Universities of California at Los Angles and Berkeley. He has taught in Iranian universities since 1983 and has lectured at academic institutions nationally and internationally. He is the principal partner of Safamanesh and Associates Architects and Urban Planners and holds an extensive portfolio of architectural and urban design projects including institutional, cultural, and educational buildings, renovation of heritage buildings and Persian gardens, and numerous urban revitalization projects.

He is responsible for the original plan and projects aiming at the preservation and rehabilitation of Tehran’s old city center, its historical areas, and building complexes. In 1980 Safamanesh founded the urban Research Institute in Tehran, a non-profit center for research in architectural, social and urban issues .The center now holds an extensive archive documenting the process of formation of a number of Iranian cities with a specific concentration on the city of Tehran. It also documents important buildings dating from the Qajar period to the present. Safamanesh has published numerous articles in architectural and historical journals. He is currently completing a multi-volume study of the history of Tehran, as well as a book outlining an analysis of the city’s identity. Safamanesh’s other books include “The Story of Two Gardens” (1990) “Configuration and Evolution of Tehran’s Arteries and Roads” (1989), and “Principles for Evaluation of Historical Building and Complexes” (in press).



  • Well Pavilion

  • Iran Pavilion in EXPO 2015 Milan, Italy

  • Library of Gorgan


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Read 18722 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:29