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Mohammad Reza Ghaneei

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Ghaneei’s multifaceted career and personality is evident at different levels. In his professional life, Dr Ghaneei not only responds to his native historical/vernacular architecture, but also gives considerable importance to the contemporary context. His enthusiasm for architecture shaped his educational path from East (Master of Architecture, Tehran University of Art) to West (PhD, University of Paris XII). His work experience in Iran, Europe and America has been extremely varied. His projects consists of a wide spectrum from the urban scale and regeneration to the restoration of historic buildings.

In addition to architecture and urbanism, Ghaneei has experiences lecturing at university, writing books, photography, publishing and other social activities including founding the Friends of Isfahan Institute. His cultural and educational accomplishments, his pubic building projects including the Isfahan and Mashhad Libraries and also him being selected in different competitions has made him and his work well-known to architects and people in related fields.



- Master of Architecture from Tehran University of Art

- PhD, University of Paris XII







Read 18832 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:34