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Reza Aliabadi

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In 1999, he graduated from University of Tehran with a Master’s degree in Architecture, and founded the “Reza Aliabadi Building Workshop”. After completing a post-professional Master’s of Architecture at McGill University in 2006 and obtaining the OAA licence in 2010, the workshop was re-established as atelier Reza Aliabadi “rzlbd”. He has established a strong reputation in both national and international architectural communities. Local and global media have published many of rzlbd’s projects.

Reza has been invited to install in Toronto Harbourfront Centre, sit at the peer assessment committee of Canada Council for the Art and Architecture, speak at CBC Radio, give lecture at art schools and colleges, and mentor a handful of talented interns in the Greater Toronto Area. He also had a teaching position at the School of Fine Arts at the University of Tehran and was a guest lecturer in the PhD Program at the same university. He maintains an ongoing interest in architectural research in areas such as microarchitecture, housing ideas for the future and other dimensions of urbanism such as compactness and intensification. He splits his time between his rchitectural practice, rzlbd POST, and atelier rzlbd.








Read 18644 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 21:16