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Siavash Teimouri

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Siavash Teimouri (born 22 June 1937) is noted architect and artist. He was born in Tehran, Iran, but moved to Paris in 1962. He received his PhD in architecture from the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in 1969. While working with top class architects he received the French Association of Architects's prize in 1967. He achieved the first place in design competition for University of Isfahan's faculty of science in 1973. He is a member of the French Society of Architects and also member of the board of trustees of the Iran Architectural Pride Worthies Foundation.

He worked as a corporator for Salomon, Jean Frittier, Roger Taillibert, and Michelle Marot in the 1960s. He also served as a lecturer in Architecture at the University of Tehran and as CEO of Farmoum Consulting Engineers.


  • Born in Tehran,  22 June 1937
  • MA in architecture from University of Tehran, Faculty of Fine Arts, 1962
  • PhD in architecture from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1969
  • Recipient of the French Association of Architects' prize, 1967
  • First place winner in design competition for University of Esfahan's Faculty of Sciences, 1973
  • Member of the French Society of Architects
  • Instructor in universities and academic research institutions
  • Member of the board of trustees of the Iran Architectural Pride Worthies Foundation



  • Association with the firms:
  1. Salomon, Paris 1962-1963
  2. Jean Frottier, Paris, 1964-1965
  3. Roger Taillbert, Paris, 1965-1966
  4. Michelle Marot, Paris, 1967-1968
  • Instructor in architecture, University of Tehran, Faculty of Fine Arts, 1969
  • Founder and managing director of Farmoum Consulting Engineers, 1974




  • Residential complexes in Villejuif, France
  • Sun Tower apartment building in Nice, France
  • Chateau Perigord apartment building in Nice, France
  • Sports stadium in Limoge, France
  • Park de Prince 30,000 seat stadium
  • Buildings in Arras, France
  • Industrial and cinematographic center, saint Germain en Laye 
  • Health center affiliated with the University of Paris Faculty of Medicine
  • Villefranche and Marina Bais des Anges leisure ports
  • St. Denis Institution in Reunion Island
  • Houses and hospitals in Cameroon


Design and supervision:

  • Indoor swimming pool of  Casino Deauville, Deauville, France
  • Center for training paralyzed children in Montroda, France
  • Center for development of mind and body in Font Romeu, France
  • Campus les Violettes near Chateau Amboise (winner of the smallest building with highest efficiency)
  • Designer and chief supervisor of RER Metro Station [Réseau Express Régional, the commuter rail in Paris]
  • Design, supervision and construction of more than 150 projects



  • Taking part in the exhibitionLive wall, Jean Frottier Firm, Paris
  • Registration of sliding roofas an entry in encyclopedias in the second half of the 20th
  • Presenting a number of architectural designs in an exhibition on the works of Iranian architects at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts
  • Publishing many articles on architecture and urban planning in specialized periodicals
  • Compilation and translation of several books on mysticism and Sufism
  • Passing Iranian Society of Calligraphy's most advanced degree


Source: Iran's Architecture Prideworthies Fundation | AMMI



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Read 26200 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 21:19