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Hossein Sheikh Zeineddin

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Hossein Sheikh Zeineddin, the managing director of Bavand Consultant, received his Master in Architecture from the School of Fine Arts of Tehran University, in 1967. He joined Bavand in 1974, and became a member of Bavand's Board of Directors in 1982. Throughout his design career at Bavand, he has been responsible for many award winning projects .In addition to his professional work, Zeineddin also has an extensive teaching background, and has contributed to various specialized publications including AbadI Magazine, Member Magazine, and the Japanese publication, Contemporary Architecture. Zeineddin was a nominee for "Sixty Chosen Personalities in Sixty Years" by Tehran University's Architects Society in 2000, and was a juror for the Memar Award in 2009.





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Read 21848 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:20